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New Agreement for RSRP to Support the Radiation Protection Master Program in Panama

Published on June 8, 2017

On June 8th, 2017 UDELAS and AdSTM (representing the USNRC/RSRP program), signed an agreement to implement the Master Program in Radiation Protection during the new academic cycle of 2017-2019. Dr. Juan Bosco Bernal, UDELAS President, and Sergey Katsenelenbogen representing the RSRP program signed the agreement. Dr. Oscar Sitton (UDELAS Postgraduate Studies Dean) and staff and Dr. Eloy Gibbs (academic coordinator of the Master Program) were present at the signing ceremony. Dr. Bernal expressed UDELAS appreciation and thanked USNRC for supporting this important academic program. Sergey Katsenelenbogen thanked UDELAS for making the program a success since its inception in 2013. The Master Program has already graduated some 50 new professionals trained in Radiation Protection. All graduates are now employed in the field of radiation protection in Panama.

View UDELAS Announcement ›


Panama: Department of Radiological Health, Ministry of Health