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Cyclotron and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) – Regulatory Inspection and Licensing


Provide regulatory staff with technical and safety information, typical regulatory requirements and inspection and licensing techniques for managing the regulatory aspects of modern diagnostic medical technology including cyclotrons and the production and use of positron emitters and positron emission tomography (PET).


The Cyclotron and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) training course provides classroom presentations of the technical aspects of cyclotron installation and operation, international safety requirements, the important points to evaluate when reviewing license applications for cyclotrons and the associated chemical processing facilities and the inspection process. When possible, a visit to a cyclotron facility under construction or an active facility is included in the course. Demonstrations of important licensing and inspection activities occur during the visit. The instructor may also provide guidance and feedback on the regulatory staff’s review of active license applications.

Short, introductory training on this subject is available for virtual presentation.

Regulatory Staff