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RSRP organizes regional “user groups” for regulators to periodically meet and discuss regulatory issues of common interest. RSRP also works with professional networks in Africa (FNRBA) and the Middle East (AAEA) to host a range of training programs. RSRP participates in the IAEA regulatory review missions and provides technical support for guidance development.

Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority
Central African Republic National Radiation Protection Agency
Chad Agency for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Security
Chilean Commission of Nuclear Energy
Congo Ministry of Mining Industries and Geology
Cotonou, Benin Autorité Nationale de Sûreté Radiologique et de Radioprotection
Department of Radiation and Nuclear Safety at the State Committee for Industrial Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Goskompromzamezopasnost)
Department of State Regulation in the Sphere of Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic
Dominican Republic Commission on Nuclear Energy
Ethiopia: Radiation Protection Authority
Georgia Agency of Nuclear and Radiation Safety
Ghana Nuclear Regulatory Authority
International Atomic Energy Agency
Ivory Coast Radiation Protection, Nuclear Safety and Security Authority
Kenya Radiation Protection Board
Malawi: Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority
Mauritania: National Radiation Protection Authority
Mauritius Radiation Protection Authority, Ministry of Public Utilities
Moldova National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities
Mozambique National Atomic Energy Agency
Niger High Authority for Atomic Energy
Panama: Department of Radiological Health, Ministry of Health
Paraguay National Commission for Atomic Energy, University of Asuncion
Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Energy
Rwanda: Utilities Regulatory Authority
Senegal: Authority for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety
Tajikistan: Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency of the Academy of Sciences
Uganda Atomic Energy Council
Ukraine State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate
University of Burundi
Uruguay: National Regulatory Authority on Radiation Protection, Ministry of Industry and Mines
Zambia Radiation Protection Authority