Provide regulatory staff with technical and safety information, typical regulatory requirements and inspection and licensing techniques for managing the regulatory aspects of Nuclear Medicine technology.
The Nuclear Medicine Technology training course provides classroom presentations of the technical aspects of Nuclear Medicine Imaging and Therapy, international safety requirements, important points to evaluate when reviewing license applications for Nuclear Medicine use and in conducting the inspection process. The routine gamma imaging process, Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET), common imaging agents, iodine-131 therapy, are presented. Other modalities may be included, as requested. Technical information on operational subjects such as security of radioactive material, training of physicians and staff, waste disposal including decay in storage, and others are discussed. When possible, a visit to a working nuclear medicine facility is included in the course. The instructor may also provide guidance and feedback on the regulatory staff’s review of active license applications, regulations, and inspection procedures.
Short, introductory training on this subject is available for virtual presentation.