As part of the overall effort to assist partners in strengthening their ability to regulate the utilization of radiation sources and machine produced radiation, the RSRP conducts consultancies to assess regulatory programs. The consultancies are arranged at the request of the countries, and consist of a multi-day visit to the country by a small AdSTM team. Once in country, the first step in the process is for the team to hold discussions with management and staff of the country’s regulatory body to ascertain the current state of affairs. The AdSTM team pursues a line of questioning that allows them to better understand the state of development and implementation of the programs that are necessary to be an effective regulatory body. Discussions determine if appropriate laws and regulations are in place that gives the regulatory body the authority and standards that are necessary to achieve success. Following that determination, activities such as licensing, inspection and enforcement are discussed. In addition, a determination is made concerning the number and type of staff that are performing the functions that are discussed.
As a result of the discussions, AdSTM and the country agree upon areas where strengthening is needed, and where AdSTM has the ability to arrange future focused consultancies that target areas needing improvement or further development. Action plans are mutually agreed upon, and consultancies are scheduled based on the timing of the need and the mutual availability of the regulatory body and key AdSTM experts needed for the individual effort.