
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) Radiation Sources Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) has developed and delivered flexible regulatory training courses and workshops designed to meet a broad range of the needs of the NRC’s regulatory counterparts.

Each training course or workshop is presented by instructors with extensive technical and regulatory experience in the subject. The RSRP staff are experienced professionals, including former NRC managers and technical staff, senior medical and industrial professionals, and members of academia.  Each is highly qualified to provide expert leadership, training and consultation services in all regulatory program areas.

The instructors assess the needs of the NRC’s counterpart regulatory organization when developing the training courses and workshops and modify the scope and duration to meet the individual needs of RSRP partners. 

Training courses involve formal classroom instruction/lectures with time for discussion, questions and answers, and breakout sessions designed to reinforce the lecture material.  In many cases, the instructors begin with formal classroom presentation, transition to breakout sessions, and then observe the NRC’s counterpart staff perform actual work (license application reviews or inspections) and provides feedback, guidance and mentoring to the participants. 

Workshops typically involve a mix of classroom instruction with practical exercises and are structured to be less formal, with more emphasis on implementing the presented material.

Training courses and workshops are typically scheduled for five (5) work days and are successful when the entire technical staff of NRC’s counterpart involved in the covered regulatory area attend.  The training courses and workshops can be presented in English or Spanish.

The training courses and workshops offered by RSRP are listed below.