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New Agreement for RSRP to Support the Fourth Group of The Radiation Protection Master Program in Panama

Published on October 15, 2020

On October 15th, 2020, the Universidad Especializada de las Américas (UDELAS) and AdSTM, on behalf of the USNRC’s  Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership Program (RSRP), signed a new agreement to implement the Master Degree Program in Radiation Protection for the 2020-2022 academic cycle. The agreement was signed in a virtual ceremony by Dr. Doris Hernandez, UDELAS Vice-President, and Sergey Katsenelenbogen, AdSTM. Dr. Arturo Rivera, UDELAS Postgraduate Studies Dean, UDELAS staff and Dr. Eloy Gibbs, the Academic Coordinator of the Program, were also present at the signing ceremony. During the ceremony Dr. Hernandez expressed UDELAS’ appreciation for the USNRC’s continuing support of this important academic program designed to prepare individuals to become Radiation Protection Officers.  In turn, Mr.  Katsenelenbogen thanked UDELAS for its dedication to ensuring the program has been a  success since its inception in 2013. To date the Master Degree Program has graduated more than 50 new professionals trained in Radiation Protection and its graduates are now employed in the field of radiation protection throughout Panama. Of note, the new cycle of the Program will be held virtually.