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ARIS Upgrade and Virtual Training for the Senegalese National Authority for Radiation Protection, Nuclear Safety and Security (ARSN)

Published on February 20, 2021

During the week of February 15, 2021, the US NRC upgraded the ARIS source registration and management software from ARIS v2.2 to ARIS v2.5 and provided 3 days of ARIS training to ARSN staff. RSRP prepared training videos that were made available to ARSN staff on the RSRP website. In addition to installing the latest software, RSRP assisted in the transfer of existing information, provided an overview of the new version of ARIS, and demonstrated the new features, which include new user’s rights, backup and restore system, updated reporting system and several enhancements in the RASOD, AUTHORIZATION and LICENSING modules. In addition, ARSN requested a brief retraining on the AUTHORIZATION and INSPECTION modules, due to ARSN plans for near future implementation of these modules. 

The RSRP will maintain close communication with ARSN staff to address any further questions and needs related to ARIS.

Senegal: Authority for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety