On December 22nd, 2020, the US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership Program (RSRP) met virtually with the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (ANRA) to discuss and identify areas for further collaboration under the RSRP. Meeting attendees included: ANRA Deputy Chairman Vahe Grigoryan and senior ANRA staff members; the Director of ANRA’s technical support organization, the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center; and US NRC and AdSTM representatives. Discussion focused on a detailed list of proposed tasks from ANRA presented to the NRC in advance of the meeting. These tasks primarily focus...
News from 2020
On November 19th, 2020, the US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) conducted a virtual meeting with the Agency of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Republic of Georgia (ANRS) to discuss ANRS’s regulatory activities and identify areas for future collaboration under the RSRP. Attendees at the meeting included ANRS Chairman Vasil Gedevanishivili and his staff and representatives from the US NRC and its contractor AdSTM. Extensive discussions on ANRS´s vision for future bilateral collaboration were held and several new technical projects were proposed by ANRS, including projects...
On December 15, 2020, the U.S. NRC Radiation Sources Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) and International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP) conducted a virtual bilateral consultation with the Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators (ANNuR). The meeting focused on ANNuR’s activities in 2020 and its future priorities for cooperation. The IRDP and RSRP representatives also presented on their program’s international assistance activities and capabilities during the global pandemic.
On December 14, 2020, the U.S. NRC Radiation Sources Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) and International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP) conducted a virtual bilateral consultation with the Chairman of the Forum of Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa (FNRBA). The meeting focused on FNRBA’s activities in 2020 and its future priorities for cooperation. The NRC IRDP and RSRP representatives also presented on international assistance activities and capabilities during the global pandemic.
On December 9, 2020, the US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) and the International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP) conducted a virtual meeting with the Ethiopian Radiation Protection Authority (ERPA) to discuss ERPA plans and identify areas for future collaboration. ERPA staff, the US NRC, and AdSTM representatives attended the meeting. The meeting resulted in important discussions on ERPA´s vision for future bilateral collaboration, which includes staff training, Public Awareness and Research and Test Reactors activities.
On December 1, 2020, the US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) Program conducted a virtual meeting with the Dominican Republic National Commission of Energy (CNE) to discuss CNE plans and identify areas for future collaboration. CNE staff, the US NRC, and AdSTM representatives attended the meeting. The meeting resulted in important discussions on CNE´s vision for future bilateral collaboration, which includes staff training, ARIS support, users` and public outreach activities and support to develop regulatory documents. The US NRC and AdSTM will continue to consult with CNE...
On December 1st, 2020, the US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership Program (RSRP) met virtually with the Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities of Moldova (NARNRA) and its Technical Support Organization INOTEH, to discuss and identify NARNRA’s areas for further collaboration under the RSRP. The meeting attendees included NARNRA Chairman Apostol and senior staff members, INOTEH Director, the US NRC staff, and AdSTM representatives. All participants discussed NARNRA priorities for future engagement under the RSRP. These include: staff training, the update and...
On November 24, 2020, the US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) Program conducted a virtual meeting with the Mauritius Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security Authority (RSNSA) to discuss RSNSA plans and identify areas for future collaboration. RSNSA staff, the US NRC, and AdSTM representatives attended the meeting. The meeting resulted in important discussions on RSNSA´s vision for future bilateral collaboration, which includes staff training, Radiation Safety Officers training, Radioactive Sources tagging and Radiation Therapy licensing support.
The US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) delivered two virtual training seminars on “Introduction to Regulation of Linear Accelerators in Radiation Oncology” for regulatory staff from Africa and Asia counties on November 5-6, 2020, and from Africa and Former Soviet Union (FSU) countries on November 12-13, 2020. The seminar provided an overview of the LINAC industry standards, physics, machines, beam modification methods, biology of cancer, modern treatment planning, quality assurance/quality management and licensing guidance. Thirty-four (34) regulatory staff from Uganda,...
On November 9, 2020, the US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) Program conducted a virtual meeting with the Peruvian Technical Office of the National Regulatory Authority (OTAN) to discuss OTAN plans and identify areas for future collaboration. OTAN staff, the US NRC, and AdSTM representatives attended the meeting. The meeting resulted in important discussions on OTAN´s vision for future bilateral collaboration, which includes support to the ongoing regulatory development for Uranium recovery. The US NRC and AdSTM will continue to consult with OTAN about appropriate assistance...