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News from 2015

From December 16th-17th/2015 and under the RSRP program support, USNRC/AdSTM provided technical support to the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) of Paraguay. The country is currently experiencing the important installation of its first cyclotron for Positron Emission Tomography radiotracers production. The two days meeting with CNEA was scheduled in order to review the cyclotron licensing documentation and perform a pre-licensing inspection to the cyclotron facility. From CNEA, Luis Moré participated in these discussions. From the cyclotron facility, Felix Barboza (radiochemist) and…
From November 16th to 17th, 2015, RSRP upgraded the ARIS system in Bolivia at the Instituto Boliviano de Tecnologia Nuclear (IBTEN). The system was upgraded from version 1.5 to version 2.2. IBTEN staff was trained on the use of the INSPECTION module, which is now available in ARISv2.2. Several exercises were developed in order to demonstrate the integrated regulatory work with the ARIS system. In addition, new features of RASOD and AUTHORIZATION modules were also discussed. Representing AdSTM were Grigol Basilia and Mario Rodriguez.
RSRP upgraded ARIS version 1.5 to version 2.2 at the Comision Nacional de Energia (CNE) during November 19-20, 2015. Training was also provided to CNE staff on the use of the INSPECTION module. Several exercises were developed in order to demonstrate integrated operation of the ARIS system. In addition, new features of RASOD and AUTHORIZATION modules were also discussed. RSRP and CNE used combined resources to purchase a vehicle dedicated to the radiation safety regulatory work of CNE. Representing AdSTM were Sergey Katsenelenbogen, Grigol Basilia and Mario Rodriguez.
From November 12th to 13th, 2015, under the RSRP program support, AdSTM upgraded the ARIS system in Uruguay at the National Regulatory Authority on Radiation Protection (ARNR). ARIS was upgraded from version 1.5 to version 2.2. Training to ARNR staff was provided on the use of the INSPECTION module, which is now available in ARISv2.2. Several exercises were developed in order to demonstrate the integrated regulatory work with the ARIS system. In addition, new features of RASOD and AUTHORIZATION modules were discussed. Representing AdSTM were Grigol Basilia and Mario Rodriguez.
Under the RSRP program support, AdSTM upgraded the ARIS system in Paraguay at the Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (CNEA). ARIS was upgraded from version 1.5 to version 2.2. Training to CNEA staff was provided on the use of the INSPECTION module, which is now available in ARISv2.2. New features of RASOD and AUTHORIZATION modules were also discussed. This activity was held on November 9th-10th, 2015. Representing AdSTM were Grigol Basilia and Mario Rodriguez.
From October 28 to 30, John Kinneman of AdSTM, Inc. met with the Senegalese Authority for Radioprotection and Nuclear Security (ARSN) in Dakar, Senegal. The Director General and her staff described the current status of the regulatory body and their plans for development over the next few years. In addition, they presented information on the uses of radioactive material and ionizing radiation within the Republic of Senegal and the challenges those uses present for the regulatory body. They also discussed radiation safety services such as personnel dosimetry and instrument calibration which…
The 5th regional meeting of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Radiation Sources Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) program took place from Wednesday September 9, 2015 through Friday September 11, 2015 in Chisinau, Moldova. The meeting was attended by 21 participants from regulatory authorities of Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, observers from Belarus, experts from the Czech Republic and Lithuania, and representatives of USNRC and organizing companies Qi Tech, LLC. (USA) and Inoteh (Moldova).The regional meeting addressed all aspects…
From September 1st-2nd, a two days meeting was conducted between AdSTM and the Guatemalan Authority (RA) in Radiation Protection at the General Division of Energy (DGE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mines. Several interesting topics were discussed. Among them:Continuing with the country source inventory projectSpecific training needs as potential activities for collaboration between USNRC/AdSTM and DGE.Projects were discussed which aim to enhance the work performed by the Guatemalan RA, continuing in close collaboration between both parties. Representing AdSTM, was Mario Rodriguez.
From August 10 - 21, 2015, Dr. Charles L. Miller, Principal Nuclear Safety Consultant, AdSTM supported the IAEA by conducting an expert consultancy to review the above titled guidelines and associated documentation. The consultancy was held at the IAEA offices in Vienna, Austria. Dr. Miller also performed beta testing of the software package that is being developed to request pre-mission information electronically. He provided detailed findings and comments to assist the IAEA as they strive to finalize the revised guidelines and software and apply them to future missions.
From August 13th-14th, a two-day meeting was conducted between AdSTM and the Dominican Regulatory Authority (RA) in Radiation Protection at the National Energy Commission (CNE). Several topics were discussed including:Status of the ionizing radiation sources/generators country wide inventory project.New specific projects for collaboration between USNRC/AdSTM and CNE.Discussions allowed for specific projects as potential candidates to enhance the work performed by the Dominican RA and continue the close collaboration between both parties. Representing AdSTM, was Mario Rodriguez.