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News from 2021

On December 20, 2021, the US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) conducted a virtual meeting with the Mozambique National Authority of Atomic Energy (ANEA) to discuss ANEA´s plans and identify areas for collaboration. The ANEA Director General and Senior Staff Members and US NRC and AdSTM representatives attended the meeting. The meeting resulted in important discussions on ANEA´s vision for future bilateral collaboration, which includes ionizing radiation sources and generators inventory, regulatory staff training in authorization/inspection for specific practices, and…
The US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) just completed a virtual training seminar on “Diagnostic X-Ray Technology” for regulators in West Africa. The seminar provided an overview of X-Ray physics, X-Ray tube design, CRCPD/IAEA/USNRC Safety Standards, X-Ray Facilities Licensing and Inspections, X-Ray Room Design, and Image Capture Technology. The seminar was conducted in two sessions, on November 22 and December 10, 2021, with each session lasting approximately two hours. Seminar attendance included ten regulatory staff from Chad, Côte D’Ivoire, the Republic of the Congo,…
The US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) delivered a virtual training seminar titled, "When to Conduct a Reactive Inspection in Response to a Radioactive Materials Event" to Latin American countries. The seminar was conducted in a two-hour session on November 23, 2021. The seminar provided an overview of the US NRC process to assess and respond to reported events via the discussion of several practical examples. The instructor also discussed the considerations for deciding when to conduct a reactive inspection including the IAEA recommendations for reactive inspections…
The US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) delivered a virtual training seminar on Diagnostic X-Ray Technology to staff from the Mauritania National Authority of Radiation Protection, Safety and Nuclear Security (ARSN) in October 2021. The training was conducted in two sessions of 2-hour each one, on October 26 and 28. The seminar provided an overview of x-ray physics, tube design, safety standards of the US NRC, International Atomic Energy Agency, and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, facilities licensing and inspections, room design, and image capture…
The US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) delivered a virtual workshop on “Design and Shielding Calculation for Linear Accelerators” for regulatory authorities in Latin America. The workshop was conducted in two four-hour (approximately) sessions on August 30-31, 2021. The seminar provided an overview of basic concepts such as workload, occupancy and use factors, HVL (Half Value Layer) & TVL (Tenth Value Layer), primary and secondary barriers, neutron dose and the application of the Time Average Dose Rate and Instant Dose Rates. Fifteen (15) participants attended the…
The US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) conducted the workshop “Methods for Inventory of Sources of Ionizing Radiation (SIR)” for the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) on August 12-18, 2021. The seminar provided an overview of the importance of building the country’s SIR registry and the appropriate approach to obtain and register information. Discussion topics included estimation methods of sources parameters, preparation of inventory inspections checklists, and an overview of the source registration software ARIS. The workshop provided Rwanda with foundational…
The US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) delivered a virtual training seminar on "Overview of the Cyclotron PET Licensing Process" to the Ghana Nuclear Regulatory Authority on July 26 and 28, 2021. RSRP experts conducted two 2-hour sessions providing an overview of the production and licensing of radioactive material for positron emission tomography (PET) using cyclotrons, covering PET radiopharmaceutical materials, safety requirements for the design and construction of PET facilities, and the principles of shielding and other radiation protection safety measures. Eighteen (…
On July 27, 2021, the US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) delivered a virtual training seminar titled, "Introduction to Authorizing/Licensing the Use of Radioactive Material" for Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators (ANNuR) member countries. During this two-hour seminar, RSRP trainers presented an overview of the general goals and requirements for authorization/licensing the use of radioactive material as described in the NRC’s consolidated guidance on materials licenses (NUREG 1556 series). Thirty-six (36) regulatory staff and other professionals from Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq,…
The US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) delivered a virtual workshop on “Design and Shielding Calculation for Linear Accelerators” for the Ethiopian Radiation Protection Authority (ERPA). The workshop was conducted in two sessions of approximately 4 hours each, on July 13 and 15, 2021. The seminar provided an overview of basic concepts such as workload, occupancy and use factors, HVL (Half Value Layer) & TVL (Tenth Value Layer), primary and secondary barriers, neutron dose and the application of the Time Average Dose Rate and Instant Dose Rates. Twenty (20) participants…
The US NRC Radiation Source Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) delivered a virtual workshop on "Design and Shielding Calculation for Linear Accelerators". The workshop was conducted in two sessions of approximately 4 hours each, on July 5 and 8, 2021. The seminar provided an overview of basic concepts such as workload, occupancy and use factors, HVL (Half Value Layer) & TVL (Tenth Value Layer), primary and secondary barriers, neutron dose and the application of the Time Average Dose Rate and Instant Dose Rates. Twenty (20) participants between regulatory staff and users attended the seminar.…