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Hybrid Workshop on “Radiation Safety in Interventional Radiology” for Paraguay and Uruguay

Published on April 20, 2024

The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Radiation Sources Regulatory Partnership (RSRP) provided a workshop on the radiation safety aspects to consider during the licensing and regulatory inspection process for Interventional Radiology facilities. The workshop was organized as a hybrid event consisting of simultaneous virtual sessions with both Paraguay and Uruguay, followed by a two-day, on-site visit to each country. The virtual component included seven sessions, each lasting approximately 3 hours per day, from April 2-11, 2024. The in-person (on-site) activities were conducted from April 15-19, 2024. This workshop is part of the ongoing collaboration between the USNRC and the National Uruguay Regulatory Authority on Radiation Protection (ARNR) and the Paraguay Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARRN). This workshop focused on discussing key radiation protection elements for an effective interventional radiology licensing and regulatory inspection process, as well as generating capacity to provide guidance on dose reduction techniques for patients and workers.

Paraguay National Commission for Atomic Energy, University of Asuncion
Uruguay: National Regulatory Authority on Radiation Protection, Ministry of Industry and Mines