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Specialized training of radiation protection inspectors in Georgia

Published on May 19, 2014

During April 24 – May 2, 2014 RSRP provided specialized model inspections (on-the-job training) of radiation protection inspectors of the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia. Model inspections were conducted at radiotherapeutial accelerators and nuclear medicine departments of two major hospitals in Tbilisi, Georgia, namely at “Research Institute of Clinical Medicine” (Tbilisi, Tevdore Mgvdlis str. 13) and “High Technology Medical Center, University Clinic”(Tbilisi, Tsinandlis str. 9). The objective of this activity was to improve inspectors' knowledge and skills and to enhance the quality and efficiency of the regulatory inspections. Training was provided by Zuzana Paskova of Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety. Technical expert conducted a briefing prior to model inspection, acted as an observer and advisor during the inspection, evaluated trainee's performance after the inspection and summarized lessons learned with recommendations for the regulatory body.

Georgia Agency of Nuclear and Radiation Safety