From September 16 to September 20, 2019, the US NRC RSRP conducted a consultation at the Peru Institute of Nuclear Energy (IPEN). Mr. John R. Madera, MBA, CNMT, ARRT provided a workshop with information and guidance for inspectors and managers in the Technical Office of the National Authority (OTAN) of IPEN with the objective of strengthening regulation of medical facilities in Peru that treat patients through the use of linear accelerators (LINACs), high dose-rate remote afterloader brachytherapy devices, Cobalt-60 teletherapy units and Gamma Knife units. The topics covered included:
- Regulation, licensing, registration and inspection of LINACs
- Regulation, licensing, and inspection of high dose-rate remote afterloaders facilities
- Regulation, licensing, and inspection of Cobalt-60 teletherapy and Gamma Knife facilities.
- Regulation, licensing, and inspection of facilities using Iodine-131 for hyper thyroid and thyroid oblation therapy.
- Importance and contents of quality management programs
- A site visit to a local radiation therapy clinic
- A class project reviewing licensing and inspection practices to identify potential improvements.
- Recommendations for improving the regulation surrounding radiation therapy licensing and inspection.
The five days were very productive; Mr. Madera provided OTAN with recommendations for changes to the regulation and processes to improve the licensing and inspection programs.